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devil headdress 


first designs

making of 

to make this headdress I moulded two horn shapes out of tin foil which I then attached to a headband which I had already added beading on wire to the front section.

I used electrical tape to wrap around the horns to give them texture. next I added some fake flowers to add a bit of drama to it. finally I spray painted it red, as its meant to be a devil headdress and red is the colour I relate to hell.

photoshoot unedited 

I also made a large red satin circle skirt with an elastic waistband. to create a burnt look on the skirt I melted it with a heat gun which melted to satin as its synthetic and left holes throughout the skirt.

Final Edits 

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 22.13.49.png

"devils Lettuce"

for legal reasons no illegal substances were used in this photoshoot only fake props.

the idea behind this shoot is a close up on the "devil" we meet in Dr Faustus just before the seven deadly sins, laid back cold hearted and gets what she wants (which is Faustus to sell his soul)

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 22.15.54.png
Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 22.14.28.png
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